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Illuminating Your Message: How to Gain Clarity and Attract Your Ideal Clients

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Have you ever felt like you're fumbling in the dark, struggling to articulate your value? If you have, you’re not the only one. 

Many business owners grapple with clearly communicating their unique offering. In fact, we struggled for such a long time, and writing copy and communicating is our thing

The good news is, while it can feel horrendously hard, our road to realising our wow factor was marked by signposts, guiding us to get there. Now we know, we're sharing our journey from confusion to clarity, and providing actionable steps to help you illuminate your message so you don’t have to struggle the way we did.

Will someone turn on the lights already? Jeesh!

Imagine you’re standing in the corner of a dark room. You can hear voices and sense people nearby, but you can't see them clearly - and they can barely see you, if at all. This is what it's like when your message lacks clarity.

As you step forward, seeking to understand your clients and your true value, lamps begin to flicker on. With each move, the room illuminates a little more. Until eventually, you can see it all. And what's revealed is more wonderful than you could have dreamed.

You can fully see the people you’re meant to serve. 

You can see how your unique brilliance (because yes, it’s right there, already within you) is exactly what they need. 

And you understand what you need to say and do to call them over. 

Can you imagine how good that would feel?

This clarity doesn't come from just thinking. It emerges from action - testing your message, evolving your approach, experimenting with your marketing. Each step brings more light, more clarity and more confidence in what you offer and who you're meant to serve.


Take stock of your superpowers

  • Make a list of your skills, experiences and passions (think beyond the qualifications).
  • Identify the problems you're most passionate about solving (what lights you up?).
  • Reflect on past successes and what made them satisfying

Get cosy with your dream clients

  • Understand who you want to serve and what challenges they face.
  • Get talking with current, past and potential clients or conduct surveys with your audience.
  • Look for patterns in their pains, problems, needs and desires that align with your skills.

Figure out your secret sauce

  • Articulate how your specific skills and experiences can solve your audience's problems.
  • Focus on what makes your approach or perspective unique.
  • Test different versions of your message with trusted peers or mentors for feedback.

Remember, defining your message is a process. Don’t expect or wait for perfection - standing still at this point only causes confusion and delay. The most important thing is to start somewhere, with something, and refine it as you gain feedback. Your unique voice and perspective are what will set you apart.

THIS is what will get you closer to clarity.

The Power of Action

Staying in the shadows keeps your message hidden. It's only by moving forward that you illuminate your unique value and allow your ideal clients to truly see you. Each action you take - whether it's publishing content on your social channels, growing and serving your email list or trying a new marketing approach - switches on another light in your journey.

And please, don’t wait until you feel confident! Confidence comes from the clarity you gain and from taking action. Is it uncomfortable? Unfortunately. But do it anyway! 

Waiting for perfect clarity before you act isn’t a good idea either. The clarity comes from the action itself. As you engage with your audience, test your ideas and refine your approach, you'll gain so many invaluable insights that will shape your message so you can attract your ideal clients.

So what do you say? Are you ready to step out of the shadows and illuminate your brilliance? Start with these three steps and watch as your path to your version of success becomes clearer with each action you take.

Need help clarifying your message? Book a free clarity call with us to begin to illuminate your brilliance. 


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We're Laura & Becca

PRs, copy coaches, mates, mamas and story obsessives. Between us we've got four kids, three dogs and two husbands. We know first hand how life is a big old juggle and we're here for the ride with you. Running a business (and a family) is hard work but we believe writing about it doesn't need to be. We're here to show you how. We're also here for the thrifty finds, adventure and cocktails.

Becca'sfavourite things

Poolsuite FM

Sunshine vibes and poolside tunes to get me through these long winter days. Download the app to listen on your phone, or mac and and enjoy the preloaded playlists. Pass me a margarita!


Gabrielle Bernstein

I discovered Gabrielle Bernstein in the summer of 2019, inhaling her book The Universe has got your back while on holiday in France. Since then I've literally read her entire repertoire. I can't get enough of her positivity and make picking an affirmation card the first task of my day.


Laura'sfavourite things

Day dreaming

Alone, with friends, family or our clients, I LOVE dreaming up ideas. I believe anything is possible. The first step is allowing ourselves to imagine what those possibilities could be.


Being in the mountains

Mountains, I love 'em. I love looking at them, hiking them and the endless possibilities they hold. Our favourite place to explore in the UK is the Lake District. Whenever we have a spare weekend or day, I jump in our van and head to the mountains.


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