Words which ooze confidence connect. Book your free story starter call, we promise it'll be the best 20 minutes of your week.

Words are your currency. But they’re not connecting. Oh dear!

We see it time and time again. You have pretty photography, a beautiful brand and an all-singing-all-dancing website, but you’re missing the most important piece of the puzzle. You’ve underestimated the power of words and left your stories fresh at the door. 

The copy you use is so much more than just words on a page. These words should entice, engage, and elicit action because stories - and the words which make up your stories - are the currency of human connection.

We like to think of them as your magic wand. 

Infuse it, wave it and you’ll have your audience jumping onto your waitlist faster than you can order a margarita.  

No more messing about. 

Our mission is to make the world a better and more beautiful place through creative, clear and compelling stories. Because we’ve witnessed firsthand what it’s like to play small, hide your magic and downplay your stories. 

The world needs you, and you just need a little best friend energy to get you out of the weeds.  

It’s more than words; it’s magic.

We bring you to life, give your business texture, and help you tell stories that connect with the right people. 

It’s ok you didn’t do this four years ago, you’re here now, but there’s no time like the present, your stories won’t write themselves. 

Let’s get them started, the kettle’s on, tell us your struggles, your big dreams and let’s get clear on how we can help you, we promise it’ll be the best 20 minutes of your week!


How we can support you

Done with you

Always better together, let’s do this.  

You’ve spent the money. You’ve gone all in on aesthetic. But it’s not having the impact or conversion you banked on and your spinning. This isn’t a hobby, this is supposed to be your business. 

Just before you message your old boss and ask for your job back. Let’s get on a call and start creating a new narrative, together! 

Because, you’re so nearly there, you’re just missing the magic ingredient... 

You’re missing stories. 

Because the copy you use, alongside your gorgeous photography, is so much more than just words. These words need to spark curiosity, connect and elicit that all important action because stories - and the words which make up your stories - are the currency of human connection.

You have a big beautiful idea, you have passion, it’s what got you here in the first place. Get that missing ingredient and you’re smooth sailing into the sunset. We know it. 

Together we’ll get your words flowing, stories slaying and those sales pinging.


Done for you

Your stories won’t write themselves but heck we sure can. 

Lifetime storytellers, and coaches of confidence we’ve been making the world a better and more beautiful place through creative, clear and compelling stories since 2003. It’s what we love to do and we’re pretty darn good at it. In fact the words we’ve written have scooped up awards for our clients. 

We know how overwhelming it feels to be stuck in the weeds, doing all the things you need to do as a business owner.  

Don't let those stories slip 

Often story is the first thing to slip when you’ve taken your eye off the ball. You think you’re being clever using Chat GPT to churn out a month’s worth of content. 

But here’s the thing, your stories wonʼt write themselves (and ChatGPT can’t write your stories). 

What you need is two expert story spotters to help keep things fresh and original so your audience is enticed, engaged and ready to sell out your latest lush offering. 

Write my words for me

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