Words which ooze confidence connect. Book your free story starter call, we promise it'll be the best 20 minutes of your week.

Grow your business with strategy-infused stories

You've spent the money and gone all in on aesthetic but it’s not having the impact or conversion you banked on and you're reeling.

Surely those photos would catch eyes? The website is gorgeous in every way! Yet, sales are lacklustre and you’re spinning. “What am I missing?” We’ve got a not-so-secret’re missing stories.


Words and stories are the foundations of a successful business, but they’re often overlooked. The copy you use to talk about your business is so much more than just words on a screen. Those words should entice, engage and elicit action because stories - and the words that make up those stories - are your currency of human connection. And when you get strategic with them they’re your magic wand.


We’re Becca and Laura, best friends, lifetime strategic storytellers, writers and coaches of confidence who aim to make the world a better and more beautiful place through creative, clear and compelling stories. Because, let’s be honest...the world needs you, and you just need some best friend energy to get you out of the weeds and your audience opening up their Mulberry faster than you can order a margarita.


Proud as punch our words have been featured in 

Come on in, the kettle's on  

Cool clients - you're in brilliant company   


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We’ve said enough about the magic we bring, now hear what others think...

"Stories from Home hold a space to witness you and pull out your best stories helping you to be your better self. You can't do it all alone."

Pandora Paloma

Coach + Author

"Laura and Becca help women define their business. They're the opposite of fast fashion, propping women up with long term support."

Beth Bellingham

Founder The Matresence Project

Working with Laura + Becca is transforming my business - one story at a time! I've known them for a few years now and every time I work with them, I'm blown away by how beautifully and effortlessly they distill the essence of my thinking into stunning, persuasive content which lands directly in the hearts of my audience. My love for them goes beyond the professional. They are beautiful humans who connect authentically. Sign up to work with them to experience their brilliance for yourself!

Prarthana Rao

Coach and Founder of The Maverick Mum Movement

"Starting my own business was overwhelming with so much to figure out. Then I met Laura and Becca at Stories from Home, and everything changed. They were like a guiding light, helping me strip everything back to basics. Together, we found my true voice and the right tone for my clients. Our work clarified my niche and made my goals and audience crystal clear. I couldn't have asked for better partners on this journey."

Sonia Ouarti

Founder + Coach, Aida Coaching

I've just read the About page you’ve written and it blew me away. I can’t believe how you both managed to capture my words and what I’ve been trying to express. It’s so motivating and it makes me want to work with me!

Jenny Kaur

Financial Wellness Coach

Thank you so much, I'm definitely doing things I've never done before and showing up more than before. All because of your landing page copy

Rivkah Maya

Somatic coach for mums

Hey lovely... no more messing about!   

If you want more than prompts to do the writing on your own, and are looking for a fresh dose of BFF energy, we’re your women. Tell us your sales struggles, what wins you’re dreaming about and we'll help you get clear about how we can best help you. It’ll be the best 20 minutes of your week!

Giving you “the look” 

What are you waiting for? Your story won’t write itself and you need your some fresh energy and big dose of copy clarity so you can get out of the mud and skip off into the sunshine. Stop looking back and start looking forward. 

The BFF energy you want is HERE!

Your best stories are still being written (yes, really) but the ones that come from your heart and home are what have got you here. And when you get strategic with them, that's when the magic happens.  

Don’t let your best work get lost in a sea of same, connect fully with words and stories that slay today and watch your business soar.


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The Podcast

Coming soon

Slaying those stories  

We've already let you into a not-so-secret-secret...that your lacklustre sales are mostly down to the simple fact you're missing stories.

Because words and stories are the currency of connection.

Come get a deeper glimpse into our world of stories over on our blog, get a feel for us and the best friend energy vibe we bring and if you like what you feel, you know where we are. The kettle's on!   

Your new besties