Ready for your words to ooze confidence? Book a free story starter call.

Your story blueprint is as unique as your DNA

The reality is, in today’s world, nothing’s new. Not really.

Everything’s been said and done before, it’s maybe just packaged up in a slightly different way. 

While we’re incredibly lucky to be living in a world where inspiration is all around us, it can get exhausting to know when something is an original thought or idea.  

But you know what someone can’t copy? Something original and unique to you? Your story.   

We’ve been called the story queens offering way more than words (some say it's like therapy for business) as we help women step into the power of their story and understand how to write about their businesses with confidence, ease and connection - all through story. 

The truth is, we love helping women like you step into your power and in this supercharged session we'll give you the clarity you're craving. 

There's something so powerful about asking for support. You don't need to do it alone.  


Story is what connects 

With a business, four kids between us and all-the-things that come with being women who love to make the most of life, it's safe to say we know how to accomplish a lot in a short space of time.

And with both of us on the call, mixing our unique coaching meets consultancy approach, there's no doubt you'll leave the session feeling elevated. This session is ideal if you:

  • Are having imposter syndrome about what you sets you apart 
  • Find it hard to write the words your business needs
  • Want to align your strategy with rich, story fuelled content 
  • Need help figuring out your audience and the messages they need to hear
  • Are stuck in a rut and need help to reenergise you and refine your focus
  • Want help with a new offer you're wanting to launch 
  • Feel confused about what stories will resonate with your audience. 


It's less about the sell, more about the story! 

Your signature story is what will get your audience gets to KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you.

But what essentials make a signature story? 

How do you balance your career highs with those warts and all lessons?  

How do you go about crafting it? How do you effortlessly weave your 'ordinary' story into your copy and content so it effortlessly speaks to your audience, painting a picture of why you are the person they need.  


Want some of this?  

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Space to connect with your signature story, discover the megawatt messages you already have within.

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Get the clarity to write about your business with confidence so you can call in your dream customers.

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Your signature story will captivate, connect and inspire action with your audience.

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Hey wonder, 

We’re Becca Aspin and Laura Andrew, cofounders, copywriters and confidence coaches who love supporting businesses and creatives to share their magic through the power of words and stories.

After writing millions of magnetic messages for clients in the UK and beyond, we know a thing or two about how to craft all the many words your business needs. As cofounders with a big vision, we know how hard it can feel to put into action all the things you know (or don't know) you need to write and share to grow your business, elevate your brand messaging and attract your ideal clients.

Copywriting is so much more than words. It's about having clarity in your messaging and knowing what action to take to bring the words to life so you can feel confident every time you write. Because when confidence oozes from your words, the people you're trying to attract feel it too. And when they do, they're more likely to say yes to what you're offering. 

People and purpose are at the heart of our business and we love nothing more than helping women like you harness the power of your story, establish the strengths of who you are and what you do. 

Because people need you, your ideas and your stories. So let's move you forward to you can attract even more magic into your business. 


It’s human emotion that moves us to action

In this session you'll leave with clarity, confidence and a spring in your step about your signature story and the golden narrative strand which runs through your story connecting it with your audience. Communicate your story in a way you never thought possible through strategy-driven content, which sounds like you.       

As well as feeling empowered and inspired through our conversation you'll receive the recording and notes from our call, narrative equity which you can put into action straight away. 

The Story Session can help with 

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Content creation that flows

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Get clear on your signature story

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Feel confident about what sets you apart

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Launch your new offer with ease

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Effortlessly connect with your audience


Need more than a one-off? No problem.

We have clients who book a quarterly story session, so they can reconnect and align with their story every season. This is a great way to create strategy-aligned content which connects with the hearts of your audience.  

With our special blend of consultancy and mentoring, you'll get us both on your team guiding your forward and taking practical action to get your words infused with your unique-only to you stories. 

Why not supplement your story session with a monthly membership to The Nest. We meet three times a month, for live group mentoring calls. From practical action workshops to content planning and a drop in accountability session, get the support you need to all month long.   


"Stories from Home hold a space to witness you and pull out your best stories helping you to be your better self. You can't do it all alone."

Pandora Paloma

Magnetism activator and author

I can’t believe how you both managed to capture my words and what I’ve been trying to express.

Jenny Kaur

Financial Wellness Coach

You truly are the magical duo!! Always my cheerleader - You infuse so much confidence in me and I couldn't be more grateful that you're in my world - thank you so much!

Prarthana Rao

Coach and Founder of The Maverick Mum

I had the absolute treat of spending time with Laura and Becca whose energy and enthusiasm has powered me to take some big steps towards a new project which has been bubbling away.


Gathered at Dusk

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