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Unearth your superpower and it becomes the cornerstone of your brand story

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We're firm believers your superpower is not just a strength, it can actually shape your brand narrative especially when you build powerful stories around it and foster a deep emotional bond with your audience.

But how do you get started?

You've done the work to get clear on your unique super power and what makes you great.  

But how do you actually weave it into your copywriting?

To help you get started, remember these three essential points: 


Make your superpower the beacon of your messaging. Paint it bright and clear, so it's unmistakable for your audience.

By clearly articulating your superpower in your messaging, you make it the guiding star of your communication. Make it clear and obvious for your audience.


Employ your superpower consistently across all channels. This cultivates a familiar and reliable brand image that your audience can resonate with.

Integrating your superpower consistently across all platforms builds a recognisable and trustworthy brand your audience can get to know and love.

Speak directly to your audience 

Use your superpower to address the aspirations and solve the problems of your audience. Illumine it, reiterate it and repeat it.

Addressing the desires of your audience with your superpower shows them how you can make a difference in their lives and their work. Make it clear, state the obvious. And say it on repeat

You’re one of kind value proposition

Your superpower extends beyond understanding your strengths; it's about harnessing it to cater to the wants and needs of your perfect audience, clients or consumers.

Your superpower is your one-of-a-kind value proposition, a magic key unlocking solutions to their issues and gateways to their dreams.

Ponder these questions if you need to reconnect with your superpower:

  • What are the three most significant challenges your ideal audience is currently struggling with?
  • What are their dreams and aspirations?
  • How can you use this to help your audience overcome obstacles and inch closer to their dreams?
  • Reflect on when you've already helped people with your superpower. What were the results?

The narrator in your story

When you’ve got it spotted, your superpower becomes the heart of your business narrative.

Think of it like the narrator in your story.

Because crafting compelling stories around your superpower not only engages your audience emotionally, it creates a connection that goes beyond a transactional relationship.

Your superpower isn’t just about understanding your strengths; it's about using it to meet the needs and desires of your ideal audience.

It's your unique value proposition which holds the key to solving their problems and fulfilling their aspirations.

So, given what you've just uncovered about your superpower, think about how you can use it to help your audience alleviate these challenges and move closer to their desires?

Think about the ways you’re already assisting people with this.

If you need help to dive deeper into your super power, come sign up as a member of The Nest our online agency, learning platform and community. As well as a self study course on ‘Finding and using your superpowers’ we gather live three times a month to give you the support and guidance you need to write the words your business needs.

At £90 a month, with no minimum subscription - you can cancel at anytime.

We look forward to seeing you there, 

Laura & Becca 


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We're Laura & Becca

PRs, copy coaches, mates, mamas and story obsessives. Between us we've got four kids, three dogs and two husbands. We know first hand how life is a big old juggle and we're here for the ride with you. Running a business (and a family) is hard work but we believe writing about it doesn't need to be. We're here to show you how. We're also here for the thrifty finds, adventure and cocktails.

Becca'sfavourite things

Poolsuite FM

Sunshine vibes and poolside tunes to get me through these long winter days. Download the app to listen on your phone, or mac and and enjoy the preloaded playlists. Pass me a margarita!


Gabrielle Bernstein

I discovered Gabrielle Bernstein last summer, inhaling her book The Universe has got your back while on holiday in France. Since then I've literally read her entire repertoire. I can't get enough of her positivity and make picking an affirmation card the first task of my day.


Laura'sfavourite things

Marie Forleo

I discovered Marie Forleo at the end of 2019 and devoured her book Everything is Figureoutable in a day. I love her New Jersey no nonsense approach to problem solving and how she's all about the fun. Because we all need more of that.



Mountains, I love 'em. I love looking at them, hiking them and the endless possibilities they hold. Our favourite place to explore in the UK is the Lake District, whenever we have a spare weekend or day, we throw the tent in the car and head to the hills.


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